Amega Global's Independent Business Associate Opportunity


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AMized® Fusion Technology


AMized® Fusion Technology is Amega's proprietary technology solely developed by the Amega Global Research and Development Team; comprising a group of scientists, doctors and physicists. It is a resonance technology developed over a period of 25 years of research applying the principles of Quantum Physics and Quantum Mechanics.


According to Quantum Physics, the material universe is nothing more than a very dense form of energy. Energy encompasses all nutrients and minerals. Like all living matter, the human body is made up of trillions of cells, which have a subtle energy field known as Bio-energy. The body's energy field penetrates and surrounds the body and has a strong association with health. If the directional flow of any energy is disrupted or reversed, physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually stressed, then disease can be experienced. Energy within the human body is called "Life Force Energy". It gives us the ability to live our lives with strength, purpose and a natural healing ability. Our body has the ability to heal and correct itself from the imbalances when it has enough energy.


As in the Homeostasis condition, our body's Bio-energy field can automatically access the Zero-Point Life Energy from the environment and restore the energy deficiency bringing all aspects (mental, emotional, physical and spiritual) into harmony. Our body's own natural intelligence can channel the life force energy received to the points where it is needed most and when administered over a period of time, it aids cell rejuvenation and enhances our inner vitality. It aids immunity by cleansing, charging and rejuvenating our body cells, thus it aids age reversal, promotes healthy cells and expels diseases.


AMized® Fusion Technology process includes:

  • Neutralizing negative frequencies and memories from substance.
  • Clearing the Bio-photon field distortions of the substance.
  • A 14-21 days energization in a Vacuum chamber.


With the application of AMized® Fusion Technology normal tap water can be restored to its original structure and to resonate Zero-Point energy, which has a tremendously positive effect on our body.

Normal Tap Water Before AMization



Same Water After AMization

Normal tap water is unstructured and has little or no photon reflection. Energized with AMized® Fusion Technology shows an increased photon reflection and a more complex cluster structure - whereas the fern like fractal branching are an expression of the liveliness of the water. The increased photon reflection also has positive effects on the metabolism of the body.


With the application of the AMized® Fusion Technology process any matter whether it be organic, abstract, power, stone, metal, or any substance can be enhanced to resonate at Zero-Point field.

Bio-photon Field Before AMization

Bio-photon Field After AMization

Our human Body, or in fact all living matter, is divided into three sections:

  • Energetic System
  • Information System
  • Physical System


It is understood under the complementary theory that the Bio-photon field of any living matter is first distorted by the pollution, parasites, radiation, e-smog and free radicals. When the Bio-photon field is distorted, this will bring about disturbance in the information system within, which will result in physical deformations.



AMized® Fusion Products and Applications


The AMized® Fusion Products range from Tools to Accessories, providing different functionalities and purpose depending on one's needs. These products are designed based on the theory of Zero-Point energy and human consciousness where one can experience the energy and benefits of it.

Human Cells Before and After AMization




The AMWand is a futuristic tool that is made up of special combination of granulated crystals, energized using Amega's proprietary AMized® Fusion Technology to resonate at Zero-Point Energy to help our body source the universal Life Force Energy; encapsulated within a 316 Stainless Steel pen sized casing. The crystals in the AMWand have powerful healing qualities and are energy amplifiers that can absorb, store, release and regulate energy.


AMWand Uses:

  • To energize our body.
  • To discharge energy blockages in our body.
  • To clear the distortions in our Bio-energetic field.
  • To help others with aches, pains and other ailments.
  • To facilitate the body in healing.
  • To energize food and liquids.
  • To energize the environment we live in.
  • To use on pets and plants to supplement energy deficiency.


AMWand Benefits:

  • Increases energy levels.
  • Releases energy blockages in the body .
  • Alleviates pain, discomfort and supports healing.
  • Energizes the liquids we drink and the food we eat for better absorption.
  • Neutralizes harmful elements from the liquids we drink, the air we breath and the food we eat.
  • Energizes skin care and body care products such as creams, moisturizes, oils, etc. for better absorption into the body.
  • Stimulates bodily functions and strengthens immunity.


Click HERE for a Report on Testing the AMWand!!!


How to Use:

  • Point the AMWand and rotate clockwise 3, 9, 18 times.
  • For more effectiveness, point as close as possible.
  • You can also stir liquids with the AMWand (with proper hygiene).
  • Use the AMWand on face to rejuvenate the skin; gently and always stroke upwards to prevent skin from sagging.
  • Press and rotate at least 3 times on all finger and toe tips to unblock energy blockages.



The AMPendant, or Transformer of Life, is designed and manufactured using specific advanced crystals contained in a Titanium casing. Fusioned and processed using Amega's proprietary AMized® Fusion Technology to resonate at Zero-Point Energy to help our body's Bio-energy field restore itself to its natural Homeostasis condition.


When worn regularly, the AMPendant sources the essential Life Force Energy, which all life thrives on. Our body receives the energy, and then channels it to parts of the body where it is most needed. The body's imbalances are then corrected gradually. The AMPendant helps to increase our resilience to the effects of stress in our daily lives, as well as strengthen our functioning capacity to combat the effects of being in a e-smog saturated environment.


AMPendant Benefits:

  • Protects the user from external e-smog effects.
  • Increases the body's energy level.
  • Improves blood circulation, thereby improving metabolism.
  • Energizes the body's fluids and cells.
  • Energizes the liquids we drink, the air we breathe and the food we eat, thus neutralizing harmful elements.


AMWater System

The AMWater System is a 3-stage water filtration and energization system using Amega's proprietary AMized® Fusion Technology. It is able to purify and transform normal unstructred tap water back to its original pure crystalline water, highly energized with Life Force Energy.


The 3-stage AMWater Process:

  • Ceramic Filtration
  • Carbon Treatment Purification
  • Vitalization


Water quality is greatly compromised today, not only by different types of pollution, but also by the cumulative effects of made stresses that rob it of freshness and vitality. The tap water that we receive at home is run through pumping stations, lead pipes, and is highly chlorinated. Water is essential for life, playing a crucial role in virtually every bodily function and can improve our health, our fitness, and even our appearance. As a general guideline, the average person should drink between 1.5 and 2.5 litres every day to replace bodily fluids normally lost through the day.


AMWater Benefits:

  • Destroys more than 99.99% of waterborne, disease-causing bacteria and viruses.
  • Protects against a variety of ailments like cold, constipation and urinary infections.
  • Helps in body hydration by increasing nutrient delivery.
  • Has an optimal Ph level (7.2 to 7.6) and anti-oxidant power.



Amega is at the forefront of introducing a pratical appliance for everyday use called the AMGizer. A revolutionary cup/bottle holder made out of neoprene with a Titanium disc inside, which is processed using Amega's proprietary AMized® Fusion Technology. The disc sources the Life Force Energy from the environment and alters the liquid's molecular structure when the liquid is placed on it.


Use Directions:

Place the container filled with no more than 1 liter of liquid at a time, for a minimun of sixty seconds in the holder. The container for water can be anything from glass, metal, paper, ceramic, etc. Drink the energized liquids regularly and feel the difference in your energy level.


AMGizer Benefits:

  • Neutralizes unwanted elements in liquids (energetically).
  • Restores the water molecules to its original form.
  • Energizes the liquids to compliment energy deficiency in the body.
  • Helps with better absorption of minerals and nutrients from the liquids.
  • Reduces free radicals.
  • Increases cellular hydration.


Amega Global’s Independent Business Associate Opportunity

The Amega Global Independent Business Associate Opportunity is a unique and flexible combination of:

  • High quality, high performing products to use and to distribute through direct marketing.
  • A generous Compensation Plan.
  • A worldwide infrastructure.
  • An integrated e-commerce support system.



Purchase Amega Global Products at Amega's Online Store



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Amega Global LLC